The Next Series
Nexstar Media Group introduces “The Next Series,” a quarterly series designed to bring critical voices together to discuss topics and issues related to media, content, and advertising. The symposiums are a unique opportunity for industry leaders to engage in a dialogue that is essential to shaping the future of the brand and media marketplace.
Final Logo
Logo Development: Digital Concepts
Logo Development: Sketches
Digital Invitation
Print Assets:
Step and Repeat Stage Backdrop, Podium Stand, Sandwich Board, Standees, Press Check-In Sign, Coat Check Sign, ‘Reserved’ Seat Signs, Consent Foam Board, Stickers, Custom Napkins, Branded Speaker Cards, Thank You Cards and Name Badges
Digital Assets:
Program Slides, Small Monitor, Ginormo Monitor
Social Media Assets:
Social Post Announcement, Post-Event Quotes, and Lower third design
Lower third in use (Please note: my role was to provide the design of the lower third, the video and animation was executed by the Video Director)