The Next Series
Nexstar Media Group introduces “The Next Series,” a quarterly series designed to bring critical voices together to discuss topics and issues related to media, content, and advertising. The symposiums are a unique opportunity for industry leaders to engage in a dialogue that is essential to shaping the future of the brand and media marketplace.
Final Logo
The NEXT Series’ inaugural symposium “The Power of News: Growing Brands and Serving Communities," brought thought leaders in media and advertising together to share their perspectives on the importance of unbiased news and the role that advertising plays in supporting journalism.
Logo Development: Digital Concepts
Logo Development: Sketches
Digital Invitation
Print Assets:
Step and Repeat Stage Backdrop, Podium Stand, Sandwich Board, Standees, Press Check-In Sign, Coat Check Sign, ‘Reserved’ Seat Signs, Consent Foam Board, Stickers, Custom Napkins, Branded Speaker Cards, Thank You Cards and Name Badges
Digital Assets:
Program Slides, Small Monitor, Ginormo Monitor
Social Media Assets:
Social Post Announcement, Post-Event Quotes, and Lower third design

Layered PSD file provided to Video Director
Lower third in use (Please note: my role was to provide the design of the lower third, the video and animation was executed by the Video Director)